Do You Need Digital Royalty Brokers to Get Paid?

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July 26, 2023 – NO! You do not need digital royalty brokers to get paid.

Beware of independent companies that attempt to operate as brokers and solicit fees from creators. In exchange for a monthly fee, these companies are offering an estimate of royalties that a creator may be owed by SoundExchange. However, SoundExchange does not work with brokers or third-party vendors in this capacity. Examples of these companies include ShineX, Goliath, Regalias Digitales, and Rident Royalties, among others.

Brokers such as the ones listed above are not authorized SoundExchange partners or affiliates; therefore, SoundExchange cannot comment on their methodology or offer insight into the accuracy of the information they distribute.

SoundExchange offers free services for artists, labels, managers, and others seeking to gain a transparent and thorough insight into their payments.

  • SoundExchange maintains a comprehensive account of royalty payments made to artists and rights holders via SoundExchange Direct, which is available to all who register.
  • Using the “My Catalog” service, creators can register songs, search the SoundExchange database, and make performer-based claims on recordings that should be associated with their accounts.
  • SoundExchange’s Music Data Exchange (MDX) application facilitates the exchange of sound recording and publishing data before recordings are released to the market.
  • Registered users can utilize SoundExchange’s International Standard Recording Code (ISRC) look-up service to search the company’s extensive database of sound recording information.

We encourage all artists and sound recording rights holders to REGISTER FOR FREE to receive all due royalties in the U.S. and abroad. Please visit for more information.

To read more about digital royalty brokers, SoundExchange’s database, and SoundExchange’s services, click here.