How to guides & USEFUL LINKS
How to guides and useful links for managing your SoundExchange account below.
Artist Disputes: What Are They & How Are They Resolved?
Artist Disputes happen all the time. Sometimes, they’re caused by misunderstandings or inadvertent actions taken by band members or collaborators. Sometimes they’re something more. In any case,…
All About ISRCs
December 21, 2023 – If you’re in the music industry, you’ve likely heard about the importance of ISRCs. But what are they? How do they work? And how do they affect you as a creator or music…
SoundExchange Distributes $257M In Digital Royalties To Creators In Q3 2023
October 13, 2023 – We are happy to report that SoundExchange paid out $257M in 2023’s Q3 royalties distributed. When compared to the same period in 2022, this is an increase of 8%. Year-to-date,…
Do You Need Digital Royalty Brokers to Get Paid?
July 26, 2023 – NO! You do not need digital royalty brokers to get paid. Beware of independent companies that attempt to operate as brokers and solicit fees from creators. In exchange for a monthly…